Recommendations on Helping Your Child With Learning Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential

For any parent, watching their child struggle with school can be heartbreaking.  And for parents of children with learning disabilities, the struggles may seem even more insurmountable.  But with the right strategies and support, your child can reach their full potential.  Let’s take a look at some successful strategies that Magellan Tutors use for teaching students with learning disabilities.

Provide One-on-One Instruction

When it comes to teaching students with learning disabilities, one-on-one instruction is key. The individualized attention allows you to tailor lessons specifically to your child's needs and abilities. You can also focus on their strengths and weaknesses without interruption from other students in the class or distractions from other activities. This type of instruction allows you to address specific areas that need improvement while also providing an atmosphere of support and understanding.

Emphasize Progress Rather Than Perfection

For children with learning disabilities, perfection isn't always possible—but progress is!  When teaching your child, it's important to emphasize the importance of taking small steps towards success rather than expecting them to master the material in one fell swoop.  Celebrate each accomplishment and remind them that every step counts towards their ultimate goal of mastering the material.

Create Structure & Routine

Children with learning disabilities often thrive when presented with a structured environment where expectations are clearly defined.  This includes providing consistent routines for studying as well as setting clear expectations about what is expected from them during study time.  By having a clear plan in place, your child will feel supported and secure knowing exactly what they need to do each day in order to succeed.

Teaching students with learning disabilities requires patience, consistency, and dedication on both the part of the student and their tutor or parent.  It is important to tailor lessons specifically for your child's needs while also providing an atmosphere of support and understanding.  By emphasizing progress over perfection, providing one-on-one instruction, and creating structure and routine in their studies, you can help your child become successful in school despite any challenges they may face.